Brown Recluse

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Brown Recluse

While most Kentuckians know about brown recluse spiders, this cannot be said of many other state residents. Brown recluse are only native to about 11 US states. The area encompassing Texas up to Nebraska, and over to Kentucky to Alabama, is the only location of brown recluse spiders in the world. Recluse spiders are a unique family of arachnids. They do not build spiral webs in the trees and wait for prey like many spiders. Instead they scavenge through the underbrush where they blend in perfectly with their surroundings. Recluse spiders can infest homes at an alarming rate. Dark, cluttered, and dry places provide the optimal harborages. Unorganized closets, overly packed attics, and jumbled garages are the usual culprits.

 Treatment of these spiders often requires multiple chemical treatments because of their reclusive nature. While brown recluse spiders aren’t aggressive, they do have a nasty bite. Most bite cases occur when a spider enters a bed when someone is sleeping and gets caught between the person and a hard place. The spider then feels threatened and bites.