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Mosquitoes can turn any outdoor activity into a nightmare, making it difficult to enjoy even the smallest activities. Mosquitoes can also spread numerous concerning diseases. Luckily, as residents of Kentucky we usually don’t have to worry about disease carrying mosquitoes. However mosquitoes are still quite the pest. We are here to help you take control of your outdoors!

Here’s what you need to know about mosquitoes…

Did you know?

…Only female mosquitoes bite! They need the nutrients in blood to create eggs.


About the bite...

Mosquitoes are tiny, dark brown insects that use the blood of humans and other animals to reproduce. Often in the evening or at night, mosquitoes leave their resting spots and begin looking for a host. They find their target through special sensory organs that detect heat and carbon dioxide. They then land on their target and begin feeding. We often don't feel the mosquito bite because of their light weight and special chemicals they inject while feeding. Before they ingest the blood, they inject anticoagulant and numbing chemicals into our skin, causing the blood to flow freely without notice.


How we treat mosquitoes...

Mosquitoes can be controlled through two main methods. The most effective is through eliminating breeding sites. Mosquitoes breed in small stagnant pools of water. In an area of the country such as Murray KY, this may be easier said than done. The other is to eliminate the adult mosquitoes. This is done by applying chemicals on the foliage that mosquitoes rest on. A backpack fogger, as seen above, is the best application method for mosquito treatments. Unfortunately, these chemical applications only remain viable for about a month. Therefore we recommend a monthly service for mosquitoes.

mosquito murray ky
Mosquitoes are the deadliet animal on the planet, killing more than 400,000 people every year!