What is the Best Way to Treat Your Home for Termites?

Treating your home for termites can be a daunting task. If you find yourself in need of exterminating a termite colony, there are many questions that may arise. But don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here are the best ways to get these wood eating demons out of your home…

Top 5 Termite Treatment Methods

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1 - Liquid Chemical Treatment

The best way to exterminate termites is to let a professional pest control company treat your home with a liquid chemical treatment. These liquid insecticides efficiently and effectively eliminate all termite colonies that come in contact with them. These products have been formulated with years of testing. When you let a professional company treat your home with this method, there is a 100% chance you will not have termites for a very long time. Better yet, these treatments come with warranties. 

2 - Bait Station Treatment

Another really good option for eliminating a termite colony is to have a pest control company install termite bait stations. These bait stations are inserted into the ground around the perimeter of the home in 10-15 feet intervals. These bait stations have wood material inside them, then when the termites start to feed on the wood, colony killing poison is added to the wood. Many pest control companies offer this as their primary treatment method, and it does work very well when done correctly. However, McGee Pest Control currently doesn’t use this option to treat homes

doing a termite treatment

3 - DIY Liquid Treatment

There are always do it yourself options for many home projects. If you can research the best products to use, and have time to treat the soil. Then a do it yourself option may be a good option for you. This option however wont come with a warranty, if you don’t do the service correctly then you could be at risk for termites in the future. 

flying termite

4 - DIY Bait Stations

The other option to do it yourself is to use bait stations to kill off the termite colony. These stations require at least yearly, if not quarterly maintenance. The installation of these stations wont be as much as a hassle though, you will just need to put fresh bait in pretty often. If you try to use bait stations to get rid of termites,  you will need to read the label of the stations thoroughly in order to ensure the stations are working properly year round. 

vapor barrier in a crawl space

5 - Physical Barriers

The final option for keeping termites out of your home is to install a physical barrier. These methods will not actually kill any termites, they will only make it more difficult for them to get to the wooden structures in your home. Some physical barrier options include a thin metal plates that go inside the crawlspace. There is also a certain type of sand that termites will not live in, if this is used as the building foundation soil, then you may have some protection from termites. 

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McGee Pest Control has treated thousands of homes in Kentucky for termites.

Let McGee Pest Control handle all of your termite needs in Murray, Paducah, Benton, Mayfield, Grand Rivers, and everywhere in western kentucky area.